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Statement on Enabling the New Version Certificates of 

Guangdong Quality Testing CTC Certification Co., Ltd.

      To better cooperate with the use of the new version of the certification system, it has been decided through research that starting from May 1st, 2024, CTC will bring into use of the new version certificates for management system certification, service certification and voluntary product certification. The details are as follows: 
      1.The management system certification, service certification and voluntary product certification certificates issued by CTC will be switched to the new version certificates since May 1st, 2024.
      2.There is a one and only QR code for each new version certificate, and the certificate information and status can be displayed immediately by canning the QR code. 
      3.For the certified companies possessing the old version certificates, it’s unnecessary to apply for a new version if on any change occurs, the old one can be used directly to the expiration date. On the contrary, an application for change has to be submitted to CTC as long as any information changes on the certificate, which has to follow CTC’s certification process for obtaining a new version certificate.
      Hereby certify as above.

Guangdong Quality Testing CTC Certification Co., Ltd.
                                  April 28th, 2024                              


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